
Healthy Lifestyle - Keeping It Simple

It’s All About Education, Hard Work and Consistency

Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of friends and acquaintances endorsing certain weight loss programs and I can’t begin to tell you how much it irks me.  I am completely supportive of those wanting to change their lifestyle for the better but a true healthy lifestyle is natural and doesn’t require you to spend an obscene amount of money for something that is short term just for a quick result.

Being healthy and fit doesn’t mean you have to carry only 10% fat (for men) or 15% (for women), it means eating whole and natural foods in portions that is required by YOUR body type, combing it with an exercise program designed just for you, for YOUR body type, and FEELING your best!  Just because you don’t have a flat stomach and carry 20% or more fat (for women) doesn’t mean you’re not healthy as long as you are eating right and physically active on a daily basis, then you are doing what a lot of people don’t, which is why they would run to “quick fix programs” in hopes for a miracle weight loss.

So just because you don’t have the money to spend on a gym membership or a personal trainer or money for weight loss programs, doesn’t mean you can’t start living a healthy lifestyle.  Small changes to jumpstart your healthy lifestyle can include:

1.  Walking
2.  Buying fruits and vegetables (you’d be amazed how cheap they are!)
3.  Drink water instead juices, sodas...etc
4.  Cook more at home
5.  Pack healthy snacks like nuts, dried fruits, carrots..etc
6.  Turn the TV off go outside more
7.  Limit sugar
8.  Eat MORE protein! (chicken and canned tunas are cheap and high in protein!)
9.  Fill your calendar with activities that require being physically active
10. Spend more time with your friends

It’s redundant, I know.  We’ve read and heard this list in one way or another repeatedly.  But the more you incorporate these changes in your life, the less you will be complaining about your unhealthy weight and low energy because you will be too busy rock climbing, cycling, swimming at the beach and enjoying life!

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