
My Personal Update Post

It's been a couple awhile since I last blogged. While I still stayed active on my other social media outlets (Instagram, Facebook and more recently Twitter), my passion for writing has started kicking up a notch. So part of my goals for 2016 includes, reading more, writing more, and of course, traveling more.

This past year was a good one for me. There were ups and there were downs, but the downs never got me in a rut as I believe in "everything happens for a reason", therefore there is no room in my life to dwell over it. I learn from it and move on.

Since my last post, I have competed in 4 fitness competitions (placing in top 5 in a couple of them to qualify me to compete in a national event), partnered up with a fellow personal trainer and friend of mine and took over a private training studio, signed on to help run a new tech startup, got married, traveled to Asia and Europe along with a few domestic travels. So needless to say, I've been quite busy.

My goal for this Tuffen Up Fitness blog is to help educate those looking for a healthy and fit lifestyle with as much first hand experiences along with professional and scientific evidences to back it up.  In addition, I will be interviewing amateurs and professional fitness competitors and athletes of various sports along with personal trainers throughout the world. So look for some really good quality content in the near future!

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